
Self Study

Year 2: February - December

Self Study

An Academic Program Review (APR) Self-Study is an overall narrative and snapshot of the programs offered by the unit engaged in the APR process. This is an opportunity for the unit to showcase its strengths, challenges, and forecasted growth based on evidence provided in the report. The process of writing the Self-Study is equally important as it can serve as a time for reflection and learning among faculty, staff, and students across the academic programs.

Units can organize their self-study process according to how their unit operates, but please note the following requirements:
  1. Clear response to the agreed upon questions posed in the LOU
  2. Candid internal, evidence-based inquiry that describes each specified program and analyzes strengths and challenges
  3. Presentation of data used to analyze strengths and challenges and support reported findings
  4. Description of the process of writing the self-study
    The data used as evidence for the foundation of the self-study:
  5. Articulation of program learning outcomes and their alignment with institutional mission. For example, the Student Program Learning Outcomes for the unit undergraduate programs should be easily found on the LUC web pages and known to unit faculty.
  6. Curriculum alignment matrix (map) illustrating which courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to meet with program learning outcomes as well as serve as places where evidence of learning can be gathered to assess program learning outcomes https://www.luc.edu/clas/
  7. Portfolio of admissions, enrollment and completion data supplied by the Office of Academic Programs and Planning including survey data specific to the unit and its specific undergraduate and graduate programs (to be reviewed at the pre-self-study APR Summit).
  8. Findings from the academic units- regularly conducted assessments of student learning outcomes aligned to specific programs.
  9. Other data collected over time by the department can also be included, such as instructional costs, certification pass rates, workloads, faculty to student ratios; FT to PT faculty ratios, etc. Throughout the writing of the Self-Study, units can utilize APP Faculty Fellows and workshop materials for feedback, support, and guidance.

Deliverable: Self-Study Report

Self-Study Recommendations and Checklist

Structure of Self-Study Report

Year 2: February - December

Self Study

An Academic Program Review (APR) Self-Study is an overall narrative and snapshot of the programs offered by the unit engaged in the APR process. This is an opportunity for the unit to showcase its strengths, challenges, and forecasted growth based on evidence provided in the report. The process of writing the Self-Study is equally important as it can serve as a time for reflection and learning among faculty, staff, and students across the academic programs.

Units can organize their self-study process according to how their unit operates, but please note the following requirements:
  1. Clear response to the agreed upon questions posed in the LOU
  2. Candid internal, evidence-based inquiry that describes each specified program and analyzes strengths and challenges
  3. Presentation of data used to analyze strengths and challenges and support reported findings
  4. Description of the process of writing the self-study
    The data used as evidence for the foundation of the self-study:
  5. Articulation of program learning outcomes and their alignment with institutional mission. For example, the Student Program Learning Outcomes for the unit undergraduate programs should be easily found on the LUC web pages and known to unit faculty.
  6. Curriculum alignment matrix (map) illustrating which courses are designed to provide students with the opportunity to meet with program learning outcomes as well as serve as places where evidence of learning can be gathered to assess program learning outcomes https://www.luc.edu/clas/
  7. Portfolio of admissions, enrollment and completion data supplied by the Office of Academic Programs and Planning including survey data specific to the unit and its specific undergraduate and graduate programs (to be reviewed at the pre-self-study APR Summit).
  8. Findings from the academic units- regularly conducted assessments of student learning outcomes aligned to specific programs.
  9. Other data collected over time by the department can also be included, such as instructional costs, certification pass rates, workloads, faculty to student ratios; FT to PT faculty ratios, etc. Throughout the writing of the Self-Study, units can utilize APP Faculty Fellows and workshop materials for feedback, support, and guidance.

Deliverable: Self-Study Report

Self-Study Recommendations and Checklist

Structure of Self-Study Report